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Large language models can perform new tasks in a zero-shot fashion, given natural language prompts that specify the desired behavior. Such prompts are typically hand engineered, but can also be learned with gradient-based methods from labeled data. However, it is underexplored what factors make the prompts effective, especially when the prompts are natural language. In this paper, we investigate common attributes shared by effective prompts. We first propose a human readable prompt tuning method (F LUENT P ROMPT) based on Langevin dynamics that incorporates a fluency constraint to find a diverse distribution of effective and fluent prompts. Our analysis reveals that effective prompts are topically related to the task domain and calibrate the prior probability of label words. Based on these findings, we also propose a method for generating prompts using only unlabeled data, outperforming strong baselines by an average of 7.0% accuracy across three tasks.
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In this work, we explore a useful but often neglected methodology for robustness analysis of text generation evaluation metrics: stress tests with synthetic data. Basically, we design and synthesize a wide range of potential errors and check whether they result in a commensurate drop in the metric scores. We examine a range of recently proposed evaluation metrics based on pretrained language models, for the tasks of open-ended generation, translation, and summarization. Our experiments reveal interesting insensitivities, biases, or even loopholes in existing metrics. For example, we find that BERTScore ignores truncation errors in summarization, and MAUVE (built on top of GPT-2) is insensitive to errors at the beginning of generations. Further, we investigate the reasons behind these blind spots and suggest practical workarounds for a more reliable evaluation of text generation.
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Due to its importance in facial behaviour analysis, facial action unit (AU) detection has attracted increasing attention from the research community. Leveraging the online knowledge distillation framework, we propose the ``FANTrans" method for AU detection. Our model consists of a hybrid network of convolution and transformer blocks to learn per-AU features and to model AU co-occurrences. The model uses a pre-trained face alignment network as the feature extractor. After further transformation by a small learnable add-on convolutional subnet, the per-AU features are fed into transformer blocks to enhance their representation. As multiple AUs often appear together, we propose a learnable attention drop mechanism in the transformer block to learn the correlation between the features for different AUs. We also design a classifier that predicts AU presence by considering all AUs' features, to explicitly capture label dependencies. Finally, we make the attempt of adapting online knowledge distillation in the training stage for this task, further improving the model's performance. Experiments on the BP4D and DISFA datasets demonstrating the effectiveness of proposed method.
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A large amount of recent research has the far-reaching goal of finding training methods for deep neural networks that can serve as alternatives to backpropagation (BP). A prominent example is predictive coding (PC), which is a neuroscience-inspired method that performs inference on hierarchical Gaussian generative models. These methods, however, fail to keep up with modern neural networks, as they are unable to replicate the dynamics of complex layers and activation functions. In this work, we solve this problem by generalizing PC to arbitrary probability distributions, enabling the training of architectures, such as transformers, that are hard to approximate with only Gaussian assumptions. We perform three experimental analyses. First, we study the gap between our method and the standard formulation of PC on multiple toy examples. Second, we test the reconstruction quality on variational autoencoders, where our method reaches the same reconstruction quality as BP. Third, we show that our method allows us to train transformer networks and achieve a performance comparable with BP on conditional language models. More broadly, this method allows neuroscience-inspired learning to be applied to multiple domains, since the internal distributions can be flexibly adapted to the data, tasks, and architectures used.
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Large pretrained language models generate fluent text but are notoriously hard to controllably sample from. In this work, we study constrained sampling from such language models: generating text that satisfies user-defined constraints, while maintaining fluency and the model's performance in a downstream task. We propose MuCoLa -- a sampling procedure that combines the log-likelihood of the language model with arbitrary (differentiable) constraints in a single energy function, and then generates samples in a non-autoregressive manner. Specifically, it initializes the entire output sequence with noise and follows a Markov chain defined by Langevin Dynamics using the gradients of the energy function. We evaluate MuCoLa on text generation with soft and hard constraints as well as their combinations obtaining significant improvements over competitive baselines for toxicity avoidance, sentiment control, and keyword-guided generation.
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最近,对生成自然语言解释(NLE)的模型的兴趣日益增长。但是,培训提供NLES的模型需要获取特定于任务的NLE,这是时间和资源的。潜在的解决方案是从域的域的域外逆转,通过几次射门传输学习,具有大量NLE的域与具有稀缺的域,但潜在的标签。在这项工作中,我们为几个NLE的案例引入了几次射门转移学习的三种香草方法,但标签很少,以及适应现有的香草微调方法。我们从自然语言推理域中传输解释性,其中人写入的NLES的大型数据集(E-SNLI),到代词解析的域名(1)代词分辨率的域,在那里我们在顶部引入了一个小型数据集Winogrande DataSet(小型e-winogrande)和(2)致辞验证(Comve)。我们的结果表明,NLES的转移优于单项任务方法,并建立四个已确定的培训制度中的最佳策略。我们还在培训数据和模型大小方面调查最佳方法的可扩展性。
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